Over the Bank Holiday weekend, we saw a lot of the news stories focusing on climate control, renewable energy, and generally focusing on how we can all be a little greener with our habits. There was also a fair bit of focus across the Atlantic with regards to America's exports. With parliament back in action over the past week we can also expect to see a steady rise in energy relevant articles.
Saturday, 23rd May
- Energy giants flooded with complaints of sky high bills over last year
- Big Six force climbdown in energy profits storm: Ofgem ditches its controversial set of forecasts as industry hits back
- Solar energy project makes final fundraising push
- Water firm plans to turn sewage into energy: United Utilities taps into 'black gold' that flows through its pipes
- Smart meters: will you pay more for 'peak electricity'?
- Mr Justice: Energy company reveal North Shields customer's details to a stranger
- North American Energy Ministers Establish New Continental Climate Change and Energy Collaboration
- Edinburgh renewable energy entrepreneur relishes excitement of work in sector
- E.U. Could Provide Push U.S. Needs To Lift Energy Export Limits
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